- In a nursery session, I became more curious about Power Platform and suddenly saw many, for me, new connections. I now have an even greater understanding of how the applications can work together, and how we can set them up so that they really contribute to making everyday work efficient and more dynamic. Out of her own interest, she therefore put in an extra gear in the afternoons to take more exams, and within two weeks she read up and passed five exams. The certifications she has passed this autumn are:

  • Power Platform App Maker Associate
  • Power Platform Fundamentals
  • Dynamics 365 Fundamentals
  • azure fundamentals
  • Microsoft 365 Fundamentals

Anna started working with us in 2001 as a web developer, and is one of those who has been employed in the company the longest. Before she started in Braathe Gruppen she ran, together with some friends, a communications agency in Ski. As that adventure drew to a close, she wanted to find a job closer to home, Moss. Her great interest in IT and technology made her focus on just that Braathe Gruppen. After more than 15 years as a system developer, she is currently the project manager for the marketing department.

It has been very exciting to be part of the journey from 10-15 employees to today, where we are almost 200 colleagues and one of Norway's leading IT companies.
Anna Såheim, Project Manager Market

She goes on to say that Braathe Gruppen is a broad company that can be seen as a total supplier within IT. Thus, she has been able to develop broadly in IT and technology. She has been to several positions internally, but is very pleased to be part of the marketing team today as project manager, as she also gets the opportunity to work with some development for customers.