Here are our three reasons to ditch your own IT department, and instead create a hybrid one with us:

Reason 1: Only about the decisions

The IT manager (or the few) often sits alone with decisions and is responsible for large processes that can make the company vulnerable if something or someone in the company should make a mistake. The risk in that can be very large if you do not have good control over where your files are located, who has access to them and which software is trygge to use. 

Reason 2: IT people become customer service

Employees with IT responsibility have many areas of responsibility, while also providing customer service for the company's employees. When we say "customer service", we mean that these employees are the contact person for things such as: 

  • Forgot your password
  • No access to mail
  • New employees who need access to the intranet
  • Software problems
  • And much more!

It steals the time of the professionals who are supposed to create secure solutions and ensure that everything is up to date. In addition, the focus is shifted to the users rather than the company's security. In these times, there is an incorrect use of expertise. We have a completely separate support department that takes care of that sort of thing. They are superheroes! Every day, they solve both uncomplicated and more complicated challenges faced by employees. The support department is always ready to answer questions, and can save your own employees a lot of time.

We have a support department ready to answer questions. Read more about them here.

Reason 3: IT is developing at record speed

Every minute you can see that your mobile phone has received an update in one of your apps. Are you able to set aside time for your IT people to develop at the same speed? That they hang out? Do they have an overview every time a vulnerability appears? Do you have the resources if someone hacks the company?

Because if they are stuck with employees who are unable to land in to their email, while serious things are happening in IT-Norway. Then it can be expensive. We have several examples of that. Just look at the consequences it can have here.

Do you recognise your self?

All three of these reasons can be found in everything from one-person IT departments to larger departments where the company has emphasized the IT investment in its budgets. Nevertheless, we find large vulnerable areas. This is because the IT employees are stuck with tasks that are adhoc and often involve helping their colleagues without IT skills. Therefore, we recommend having others on the team. Let experts be experts, and use the capacity correctly!

Create a hybrid department with us

We have good experience of collaborating on IT work. That the tasks are distributed in a way that allows everyone to do the job they are really good at. It doesn't get any better!

Our latest example of such a solution is together with Godthaab. We are your IT department there. Read about the success story here. 

If you recognize one or more of these three reasons, we recommend taking a trip to the thinking box. Consider what is right for you!