• Published 05.02.2020

    3 simple steps to protect the data in your business

    Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection ATP (Advanced Threat Protection) protects the mailboxes of the company's employees against advanced threats, supplements the security functions of Exchange Online Protection and gives you better protection against completely new threats. The service analyzes data and uncovers threats in received email, such as malware and attempts…
  • Published 25.10.2019

    How secure is your password?

    More and more companies are experiencing attempted data breaches. One of the most common methods of data breaches today is for hackers to gain access to one of your employees' usernames and passwords. In over 80% of all data breaches, stolen or weak passwords have made the "job" significantly easier for the perpetrator
  • Published 03.10.2019

    This is why we need a security month

    This summer we could read that half of Norwegian companies pay ransom rather than invest in IT security. It is worrying that small and medium-sized businesses are the ones who spend the least time on risk assessments. Most often it is the little ones who have the most to lose.