Do you feel skepticism in the face of AI?

Many people probably experience that AI generates many new emotions and questions in everyday life. Feel You decide on this new technology? Or maybe you think it feels foreign and become skeptical for that reason?

Although AI is an exciting tool both at work and in your private life, we believe that a little skepticism is healthy. At work, skepticism and some critical eyes are extra important. That's because today's available AI solutions are open to everyone. Then it should not have access to your e-mails or work documents.

That's because tools such as Chat GPT retrieve information all the time. 24/7 it takes in and stores information so that it learns to respond better and better each time. We consumers do not decide whether Chat GPT should take with it the information we pass on to someone else. Therefore, it is extra important that you do not feed it with information that you do not want others to have access to. When Microsoft Copilot arrives, however, this whole problem will disappear. Let us explain:

Microsoft Copilot will not share sensitive information with anyone other than those you choose. Even if it gets access to your files, it will never do anything other than what you ask it to do. You get access to Copilot automatically if you use 365 Workplace. With Copilot, you can be absolutely sure that your files are trygge, your calls are not used further and your use is safe regardless of the additional function.

The benefits of using Microsoft Copilot are many, so let us explain how it can be used for you.

Increases productivity

With Copilot by your side, your productivity can reach new heights. Regardless of whether you work with documents in Word, analyzes in Excel, presentations in PowerPoint or collaborate in Teams, Copilot can give you immediate help and guidance in using the tools. That means no more wasted time looking for the right formula or the right wording – Copilot already has the answers ready for you.

Creative freedom

Copilot is like your personal creativity assistant. It suggests design elements, layouts, graphics and wording that give your presentations and documents a solid boost. This gives you the opportunity to explore new ideas and express yourself in a different way. Maybe you will finally live out your Powerpoint potential?

Learning in the tools

Copilot is not only a tool, but also a learning partner. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, you can learn from Copilot while working in the 365 Workplace tools. It gives you insights into best practices, code samples, and more, making it a great resource to improve the way you work and perhaps expand your horizons on what apps can contribute to day-to-day tasks.

Good teamwork

It is said that together we are stronger. When are we pretty sure it's about humans, but why not a human and an AI? Copilot gives you the extra strength you need when the working day gets too long or too short. In Microsoft Teams, Copilot can help you schedule meetings, organize summaries, manage tasks and keep up with projects more efficiently. This can encourage an interaction that is both fun, easier and more productive.

Do you want to get yourself a new AI colleague?

So, why should Copilot enter the heat? Because it can give you superpowers in productivity, creativity and learning. It makes your work easier, lets you explore new ways of working and gives you the ability to collaborate like never before.

Overall, we believe that Microsoft Copilot delivers a comprehensive and powerful toolbox for you. It can also contribute to a culture where you are a little ahead of the curve. Both within smarter work, faster communication and increased efficiency. Having worked closely with technology since 1989, we experience again and again that technology that works also shows up on the bottom line every single year.

Do you want to learn even more about Copilot and how we work with AI in Braathe? Click here where we go more in-depth on the tool.