What will be rolled out going forward?
We will roll out number matching gradually for our customers, in the period from now, moving forward. We hope you are familiar with the Authenticator app already? Number matching will appear in the same app you already use and will be a new step in your login. It won't require much more from you, but it will be even more secure than before. What's not to like?
Let's explain the "new" login process with number matching:
- You enter your username/email address.
- You enter the password.
- A notification pops up in the Authenticator app saying "Trying to sign in?" and possibility to enter a number.
- A two-digit number will appear on your screen (where you are trying to land in), which you then will be required to provide inside the app. Wow, you're logged in!
In the image below, you can see on the left what the screen looks like, and on the right how your app will look during the login.
Why are we introducing this now?
Microsoft is one of the organizations with the best overview of the risk picture we find in the world today. They also know that 2023 is the year when digital attacks are the biggest threat to companies – this also applies to Norwegian companies.
When 88% of digital attacks are a consequence of human error, we know that password security is an easy place to start to prevent attacks. Since many people do not have password habits in-house yet, it is positive that the tech providers themselves are introducing measures like Microsoft is doing now. Security must become an even greater part of your everyday working life.
Become a security ambassador
As an employee in a company, as a manager or director, you are responsible for a professional field and your work tasks. What is slowly but surely also becoming part of your job is keeping your job secure. In the past, it was critical that employees locked the doors and turned on the alarms. It's still important, but what happens when the doors that don't lock are digital?
Digital doors, or security holes as we call them, create risk and can become the hook in the door for exposed businesses. The consequences of a successful digital attack can be great. We won't go into that in this article, but feel free to take a look here where we cover both economic, psychosocial and purely practical consequences.
Therefore, we would like to encourage you to be a security ambassador at work. Then you will be a very important part of your company's defenses in the face of digital attacks.
Where do you start?
You won't become a security ambassador overnight, but you can start adopting better habits right now. Here are three things we recommend you (and your colleagues) take a look at:
- Password hygiene and habits
- Become familiar with phishing attacks and other shady methods used.
- Our expert advises you: How to protect yourself against digital attacks
Bonus tip! Use The CYBR platform so you can practice every day!