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Service description for Digital Workplace from the Provider's Data Centre

Service description version valid from January 2024, for services delivered under Nettskyavtalle version 5 or later, and SSA-D.


1         About the Services


The service description includes data processing, storage and access services from the Supplier's own data centers.

Digital Workplace from the Supplier's Data Center is divided into the following categories:

Service category Description
Common infrastructure ·         Physical data center locations with cabling systems, physical access restriction, access control systems, physical monitoring systems, alarm systems, fire extinguishing systems, etc.

·         Physical servers, storage and equipment that operate Shared Services and Customer Dedicated VMs including Terminal Server VMs

·         Virtualization platform

·         Network including shared firewalls, security equipment and more

·         Data center communication lines

·         Power supply and cooling

Common services ·         Shared Active Directory

·         Shared Exchange Server mail services

·         Shared Windows Remote Desktop Services and Citrix infrastructure

·         Login portals

Cloud Basic Services
IaaS / PaaS
Basic services are common to the Customer's users and are charged at the organizational level:

·         Customer dedicated VM for File/Print Azure AD

·         Customer Dedicated VM(s) for Server Applications

·         Customer Dedicated VM(s) for Database Servers

Cloud User Services Belastes pr. user per month based on the individual User's accesses and functions:

·         Terminal server VM, terminal server services, portals and security features

· Office 365

·         Customer-specific client applications on Terminal Servers

·         Productivity tools


The user services are delivered as named individual services or as packages consisting of several of the named services, in accordance with the Cloud Agreement's Appendix 1: «Prices and scope» or SSA-D appendices.


2         Other terms


All services described here are provided in accordance with the terms of the following documents:

  • Digital Workplace Common Terms
  • Security SLA for Braathe Gruppen Services
  • Service description Support
  • Backup Policy

The user services in this Service Description are covered by Proactive Operational Services and Reactive Support Services, as described in more detail in the service description «1. Support »unless an exception or supplement has been made for the individual sub-service.

The services as described here are delivered from the Supplier's data centers. The data centers are described in a separate Service Description «Braathe Gruppens Norwegian Data Centers »which can be sent to the Customer on request.


3         Digital Workplace SLA


All Common Services and Common Infrastructure are delivered with Digital Workplace SLA included. (Formerly ASP Standard SLA). For dedicated VMs, the Customer can also choose to use Hosting SLA agreements for VMs. This applies per WC individually, and the Customer can have a mix of different SLAs on their different dedicated resources. The SLA level chosen for the individual dedicated services is stated in the Cloud Agreement's Appendix 1: Prices and scope.

The SLA Levels include the following services on services and devices to which the Customer subscribes:

3.1        Digital Workplace SLA from the Provider's Data Center

SLA Point SLA Value
SLA Point SLA Value
HA Common Infrastructure Common Infrastructure is delivered with HA
HA Community services Shared services are delivered with HA on physical equipment and / or at application level
Georedundant Data Storage Communal Services Data storage for Common Services is done with delayed replication to secondary location
HW System operation Included for Common Infrastructure, Common Services and Customer Dedicated Physical Server
OS Patching Customer Dedicated World Cup Including
Surveillance Included for Shared Infrastructure, Customer-dedicated VM and physical server.
Free Support1 Included according to Service Description «Support»
Free recovery Restore from last valid backup, or reset to factory settings and reinstall after technical failure
Access hotline Included according to the Service Description for «Support»
Backup Included according to Service Description «Backup Policy»
Security Included in accordance with the supplier's current Security Policy and Service Description «Security SLA for Braathe Gruppen Services"
Firewall All traffic in and out of the data center is regulated by common firewalls with underlying standard rules. In addition, Customer-specific rules are established as needed.
Bandwidth 100 Mb/s Standard bandwidth capacity per VM/Server, extra bandwidth as an option.
Maintain MS SQL DB Server Included, applies to installation of technical updates. The main version upgrade can be performed as an Hourly Consulting Service on request
Update Subject application2 Security, technical and version updates of the Customer's server and client software running in the Supplier's Data Centers, including up to 2 hours of work per case. Work beyond 2 hours is charged according to time spent in accordance with the service description for Time-based Consulting Services
VPN Site-to-Site VPN between customer locations and the Supplier's Data Center for print or other integrations. The service is priced at a running cost per VPN tunnel.
Uptime guarantee 99,8% for Common Infrastructure and Common Services
Coverage period uptime guarantee 08:00 - 18:00 working days
Service window Regular regular maintenance is carried out without further notice every Thursday from kl. 21:00 to Friday 06:00. Periods of downtime on all / parts of the services may occur in the Service window.

1See Service Description «1.Support» for further conditions
2See section «Reservations and restrictions below»

For VMs with alternative SLA, see Service description «Cloud Infrastructure services from Braathe GruppenNorwegian Data Centers (IaaS) »



4         Cloud Basic Services IaaS/PaaS


Various Nettsky Infrastructure Services (IaaS) are delivered in the form of an agreed set of Customer-Dedicated VMs in combination with PaaS that support the Customer's Nettsky User Services in different ways. The infrastructure services are described in more detail in a separate service description, as stated above. The services apply to the Customer as a whole and are charged per. Customer per month. SLA for IaaS / PaaS services follows the table in the section «Digital Workplace SLA from the Supplier's Data Center».


Service (downloadable PDFs currently only available in Norwegian) Description
Dedicated File / Print Mandatory service for customers with Published Desktop. Dedicated WC reserved for:

·         File services for the Customer including shared file areas, home areas and storage of user profiles

·         Print server

· Azure AD Connect

Dedicated Application Server Customer-dedicated VM adapted to running the customer's server applications
Dedicated DB Server Customer-dedicated VM adapted to database services such as Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft SQL Server 2Core License Microsoft SQL Server License. Subscribe to with the same number of cores as the WC it runs on, minimum 4 cores per WC. Unlimited number of users.
SQL User Access


Microsoft SQL Server SAL License

·         Can only be used for authenticated users

·         Cannot be used for applications that offer anonymous access via the Web or similar

·         Server must be either Core or SAL licensed

Dedicated DB Instance Customer-dedicated Microsoft SQL Server instance on shared DB Server. Includes SQL Server Core licenses.
Dedicated Physical Server Customer Dedicated Physical Server. See Service Description «IaaS Services from the Supplier's Data Center» for SLA and description.




5         Cloud User Services


Nettsky User Services are delivered as Standard User Packages produced in the Supplier's data center and delivered to the user via RDS or Citrix terminal server. The user packages are available in variants that only apply to services provided by the Supplier's Data Center and variants that include Online services and operation of endpoints. For Online services and endpoint operations see Service Description «Digital Workplace Online»


User services are charged per. named user with access to the service. The customer may have different users with different packages. It is not possible to combine packages with Remote Desktop Services and Citrix for the same Customer.


5.1        User Services SLA:

SLA Point SLA Value
Terminal server capacity 1 Terminal Server is allocated per 10 users. In the event of temporary failure of 1 or more terminal servers, the solution will have reduced performance until the situation is rectified. For customers with 10 or fewer users and thus only 1 Terminal Server, errors on this Terminal Server will cause downtime until the situation is rectified.
Terminal server specification2 Terminal servers are delivered as VM (TSv)

6 vCPUs


80GB Disk

Terminal server redundancy and load balancing1 TSv is distributed between physical computers so that errors on an underlying physical machine do not prevent login. Users are assigned to the TSv with the fewest number of already logged-in users.
Terminal server HA The customer's TSv is distributed on different underlying physical servers so that failure of a single physical server does not impede the customer's access.
Terminal server login time
The average login time for the user should normally be less than 45 seconds from user authentication confirmed to Interactive session enabled as measured by Citrix Director.
Nightly restart Terminal server TSv automatically restarts every night in the period 02:00 to 04:00 Restart is rolling between TSv belonging to the customer.

The user is notified of the impending restart and can land on / off and will be redirected to another TSv

1 Does not apply to customers with up to 10 users
2TSv additional capacity can be purchased as an additional resource pool



5.2        Cloud User Services package types

Package type Description
GOOD Desktop Published Windows Remote Desktop Services from Vendor Data Center

Including Customer Dedicated Terminal Server VM (s) installed with:

·         Office 365 applications – (Teams not supported)

·         The customer's trade applications

·         Productivity tools

Office 365 licenses also apply to installation on user devices

BRA Desktop Plus Published Citrix Desktop from the Supplier's Data Center

Including Customer Dedicated Terminal Server VM (s) installed with:

·         Office 365 applications with limited Teams support1

·         The customer's trade applications

·         Productivity tools

Office 365 licenses also apply to installation on user devices

BRA Complete (E3 / E5) Published Citrix Desktop from the Supplier's Data Center

Including Customer Dedicated Terminal Server VM (s) installed with:

·         Office 365 applications with limited Teams support1

·         The customer's trade applications

·         Productivity tools

Operation of the user's endpoints and including licenses for Microsoft 365 E3/E5 on them. See service description "Digital Workplace Online" for conditions.

1Teams are supported on Citrix Desktop with certain limitations in functionality and performance according to current versions of required software from Microsoft and Citrix. Full Teams performance and functionality are available using Teams installed locally on the user's endpoints.

2Applies to Terminal servers with Windows 2019 OS or later


Application publishing

Applications are published by default to end users via a Published Desktop. Upon request, customers can also have certain applications made available as Published Applications directly. This has no price effect



6         Application Services

Application services include software installed on Customer-Dedicated VMs (App and DB) as well as end-user software installed on Terminal servers. Application services are divided into the following categories:

6.1        Application Services categories

Category Description
Microsoft Standard Applications Various standard Microsoft applications licensed under the Microsoft CSP model for use on terminal servers and user endpoints.

License, operation and support are included in the user package.

Other standard applications Standard user software and productivity tools e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent.
One-layer professional application The customer's end user client application installed on Terminal Server. The application stores data directly to the Customer's dedicated file server, terminal server (System Data) or other suitable location.
Two-layer professional application Application that requires an end-user client application installed on the Terminal Server and that uses a common server application installed on the Application Server or Database Server. Storage to file server, database server, terminal server (system data) or other suitable location.
Three-layer professional application Application that requires end-user client application installed on Terminal Server, shared server application installed on Application Server and a database server.



6.2        Application Services SLA

SLA Point SLA Value
Support Included according to Service Description «Support»
Drift Included In accordance with the section above «Digital Workplace SLA from the Supplier's Data Center»
License License is included for Microsoft Standard Applications. For other applications, see the information in the Supplier's current price list / service catalog.




7         Additional Services


Additional services are charged per user per month or as specified in the current price list. Agreed Additional Services as specified in the Cloud Agreement's Appendix 1: Prices and Scope include Reactive Support and Proactive Operation in the form of version upgrades of the client installed on the Terminal Server and any associated software on the application server.


Appendix 1 of the Cloud Agreement: Prices and scope indicate whether the license for the software from the Supplier is included. If the license is not included, the Customer must license the product himself.


Version update of the Customer's software running in the Supplier's Data Centers is included with up to 2 hours of work per case. Work beyond 2 hours is charged according to the time elapsed, cf. the agreement's conditions and service description for Time-based Consulting Services. Prerequisites for performing free version updates are as follows:

  • A complete automatic installation program must be available from the software manufacturer
  • Manual data conversion or data transfer must not be required
  • Manual editing of configuration files or registry settings is not required


Service (downloadable PDFs currently only available in Norwegian) Description
GOOD Mail ·         User access to MS Exchange Shared service via mobile client, locally installed Outlook, Outlook running on terminal server and Outlook Web Access

·         Storage space for email, up to 25GB per mailbox/user

·         Storage space for e-mail is charged according to consumption when the consumption per mailbox/user exceeds the amount specified in Appendix 1: Prices and scope.

·         License for Exchange access is included in the service, while license for Outlook is covered by the user's own Microsoft Office license.

Common Mailboxes ·         Resource mailboxes without an inbox, which are only accessible by other licensed Exchange users, are free.

·         Ordinary shared mailboxes with an inbox and mailbox size < 2GB, which can only be accessed by other licensed Exchange users, are free of charge.

·         Ordinary shared mailboxes with an inbox and mailbox size greater than 2GB, or which are accessed by other unlicensed users, are chargeable.




8         Uptime


The Supplier guarantees 99,8% uptime in the basic period (working days 08.00 - 18.00) settled per quarter for services run in the Supplier's Data Centers and which have «Digital Workplace SLA». The guarantee applies to Common Infrastructure and Common Services as specified in section 1. "About the Services" for systems and equipment under the Supplier's control, even the Supplier's equipment that is in direct exchange with the Internet. Downtime is measured within the base period at various points in the Customer's solution, and excluding time is deducted from any downtime before the uptime is calculated.


Interruptions to operations due to the following events are considered exempt from time and are not covered by the uptime guarantee:

  • Notified and agreed maintenance / downtime
  • Delays due to the Customer not being able to answer whether the service works or not
  • Downtime caused by errors due to the Customer or the Customer's subcontractors
  • Downtime outside the base period
  • Downtime as defined in «Security SLA for Braathe Gruppens Services »
  • Force majeure, including:
    • Hacker attack
    • DDoS attack
    • Significant events at national, regional and global level
  • Errors in public cloud services that affect access and functionality.


Calculation Uptime

Calculation of uptime is based on the following formula:

Uptime in% = 1 - (Total net downtime in the period / total base time in the period).

That is 630t total base time in a quarter. 99,8% uptime corresponds to a total of 1 hour and 15 minutes of downtime per quarter (99,8% = 1-1,26 hours / 630 hours).

The uptime guarantee covers the Common Infrastructure and the Common Services. These services are implemented with a high degree of redundancy, so the probability of downtime occurring is very small.

The services are defined as up when Common Infrastructure and Common Services as defined in Chapter 1 are available and work for a majority of customers or end users. Isolated errors on customer-dedicated server resources such as Terminal Servers, File Servers, Application Servers and Database Servers, or in remote cloud services from Microsoft or others, may also be experienced as downtime for individual customers or individual users without being covered by the uptime guarantee. Such errors will nevertheless be classified with high priority, cf. Service Description for Support, and will normally be corrected in a short time.

Reimbursement under the uptime guarantee is calculated quarterly per customer and settled at SKU level according to the following matrix on the first invoice after the relevant period for reimbursement.



Availability in the base period Refund
99,8% or higher No refunds
Below 99,8% 10% of the monthly amount of the services concerned
Below 99,5% 20% of the monthly amount of the services concerned
Below 99% 30% of the monthly amount of the services concerned
Below 95% 50% % of the monthly amount of the services concerned and approved grounds for withdrawal for the contract's binding period


An uptime measured according to the uptime guarantee of less than 95% is defined as a breach of contract and is thus an approved basis for termination of the agreement with regard to the lock-in period.


9 Backup


Backup of services in this Service Description is stated in document «Bakup SLA» under section for Digital Workplace from the Supplier's Data Center.


10    Reservations and Limitations


10.1    Versions of Software


The supplier will at all times be able to provide information on which versions of software and operating systems are planned to be made available. Normally, the latest version (main version) of applications will be made available when it is considered by the Supplier to be stable enough for the purpose. Exceptions to this will occur. The customer may, on his own initiative, request a version update, and the Supplier will comply with such requests if there are no special reasons for postponing the version update. The customer cannot expect to be more than 1 generation behind the launch run for new main versions without this causing operational and compatibility problems. The supplier can order the customer to follow developments in the services when the supplier considers it appropriate for operational and security reasons if the customer uses versions that are 2 or more generations behind the current main version, also for operating systems.


10.2    Licenses


If the Customer owns the licenses, the Customer is responsible for any license costs that a change of software version may entail. Then the Customer is also responsible for ensuring that new versions are made available to the Supplier. This must be done in accordance with terms set by the license provider. Written documentation for the Customer's own licenses and subsequent upgrades must be submitted to the Supplier. Prices stated for licenses apply to licenses provided by the Supplier.


10.3    Upgrading the Customer's Subject Applications


For upgrades of professional applications, work of up to 2 hours per case is included in the service. Work exceeding 2 hours per case will be charged to the Customer after the Time elapsed in accordance with the Service Description for Hourly Consulting Services.


10.4    Support subject application


Support for professional applications is carried out according to "Best Effort", and is normally limited to technical support to make the application run flawlessly. Other professional support related to optimal use and configuration is normally performed by the manufacturer or professional application provider.


11    Change land January 2024


  • The calculation of any refunds is now based on the monthly amount for the specific services affected, and not the entire contract value.