Let the business be the best
It is easy to assume that most people do what they can to make their everyday working life as efficient and as close to the flow zone as possible. But that is actually not the case. Not everyone has the capacity for that. Because digitizing and optimizing a business is just like training. 

The door jamb can be long, heavy and sluggish. The work that needs to be done requires everything from sweat and effort to blood and tears. And in addition, you must also take care of your diet to be able to perform at your best. Many factors must match for you to become the best version of yourself. Yes, we are almost quoting Oberst Lauritzen in this case here. Because digitization is no joke. 

We are here to make doorstep miles shorter, easier and faster. Because even if you don't have a manager for digitization within you, we can be just that for you. It is because as soon as we have made an assessment of where the shoe presses, we can both order, introduce and train the entire business in the new tools that will make you digitized and vital for the future. But which moves, and how? We will talk more about that. 

1. Are you ready for a really bad day?
Safety first, they say. We say that too. A vital step in a digitization process is an increasing digital security awareness. A business is only mature when the employees can endure a really crappy day at work. A really bad day these days can actually mean a day characterized by unstable services, messy systems or encrypted files and the question of what you are willing to pay in ransom. 

Several large and small businesses are experiencing attacks. We will therefore emphasize that your business not is safe. Although you may think that you are a drop in the ocean. In the hacker's world, a drop is potential money or files that they want to see. Don't face the dung day without some cool tricks up your sleeve. Be careful. 

Prevention of bad days starts here:

90% of successful attacks are due to employee misjudgments.*
What does that mean? Yes, train your employees. Teach them how to avoid accidental keystrokes on links, attachments and much more. Make them better prepared in the face of insidious emails, fake websites and creepy SMSs. In the face of this 90%, knowledge is your key.

Wondering what you're missing on the road to digital maturity? We would be happy to have a chat with you for a survey. Contact us at braathe.no/kontakt.

2. Backup, backup, backup
Did **** hit the fan? Or was one of your employees unlucky? Or maybe you typed wrong? Then we hope that you have a really good backup in place. And no, we don't mean a physical warehouse. We are talking about digital warehouses. 

Digital storage or backup storage are servers that take care of most of what you do in a day and multiply themselves as many times as you want. This can be per employee as well. This means that if "shit happens" you can be up and running again in no time. 

Any concrete examples of what that might mean for you?

  • Minimal downtime
  • All your orders have been taken
  • All emails are available
  • All the information you really need to do your job is there and can be retrieved

Do you take backups? If not, it's time to get started. Take a closer look at one of our backup solutions here, Microsoft 365 Backup.

3. Welcome to the cloud
And then to the delicious Kinderegg that we like so much: The cloud. Because with the cloud comes a whole range of these functions. There are few things that ensure flexibility, efficiency and higher security as well as the cloud. We can sign that. 

Imagine an everyday life where all files are in the same place, but you have access to them from your mobile phone, the toad (officially called an ipad), the PC and even your grandmother's old desktop PC that is in the cabin. The cloud allows you to work from anywhere with almost anything. The only requirement is that you have internet access.

In addition, it ensures efficiency. Because you don't need to pick up the key from the people who manage things up on the 4th floor to run down to the warehouse in the basement to find that folder. No, you click in the search field and look up the folder in seconds if you want. 

If you hang up our services Desk in the Cloud and 365 Workplace you also have great tools at your disposal that enable your employees to connect from almost anywhere and carry out their tasks.

Teams allows you to turn on the thread at zero point. Outlook fixes the more traditional communication, OneDrive takes care of your files and OneNote is with you everywhere as the world's best notebook. 

Is your business digitally mature?
After reading the big three on the road to digital maturity - do you recognize yourself? Maybe you can check off some points already? Anyway, if you want to get started with these solutions, we're here for you! 

Source: Information commissioner's office 2019