Welcome to Digital Security Month

In the short term, the autumn month of October will hit our elongated country, and for us this is a very important month in the calendar. Not just because it's Blue Bow Month or Octoberfest and Halloween. We like that too. But October is especially important because it is Digital Security Month. This is a topic that needs greater celebration in Norwegian homes and workplaces, and that is precisely why we are so happy that Digitization Directorate is behind such an initiative.

The next month we will therefore share stories, tips and tricks for both the home and the workplace, and maybe we will take you behind the scenes and show you how we work with safety? Let's sneak a little already now, shall we?

You can be both proactive and reactive in the fight against digital attacks. Have you considered a good backup system? 

Arbitrary attacks and cyber warfare

Do you look at the gold row? If you did not catch Lindmo last Friday, we got to know better the topic of digital security. Kudos to NRK for focusing on that! The guests Sofie Nystrøm, who is head of the National Security Authority, and mayor of Østre-Toten municipality, Bror Helgestad, shared how digital security and attacks affect their everyday lives. The mayor was one of those who fell victim to the catastrophic, digital attack on Østre-Toten municipality in January this year. He could tell about consequences such as personal information going astray and large costs for correcting everything that went wrong afterwards. Now the municipality is fortunately on its way back to normal, but it took time.

Sofie Nystrøm, who works for Norway to be equipped against the "invisible cyber war", describes at Lindmo an aggressive and large threat picture on the internet today. She mentions that her people work every day to protect Norway's digital values. Fortunately, we as a nation are forward-thinking and conscious in this context. But are we there as individuals, as workplaces or as leaders?

We have a whole e-book on simple and valuable digital security measures. Maybe, it's something for you? Download it here. 

For who really protects your values?

For whom do you really protect your values? Is it a computer program, the IT guy at work or the slightly too simple code lock on the mobile? The 12345 password in the mail, maybe? As a people, we are a good bunch, but we are probably somewhat naive in the face of the digital threats that exist out there. Nor are we probably aware of how sought after you are as a private person or your workplace for potential hackers. So then it is important to ask the question: Who protects my values?

That's why we need a month like October! In Digital Security Month, we will share more about more topics in digital security, and we hope you will read. It will be relevant for you both at work, but also to the habits in your home. Secure your values ​​with us in October. We look forward to getting started!

Want to see the Lindmo episode with Sofie Nystrøm and Bror Helgestad? Take a look here: NRK, Lindmo 24 September