Pistachio and Braathe

Healthy security culture and awareness among your users. Through pistachio (formerly CYBR) – a modern platform for digital security training.

pistachio combines the former CYBR Teach (training run) with CYBR Breach (simulated attack attempts with the aim of making users aware). With the new platform, each user gets customized training runs that adjust to the user's level, tightening the "difficulty" as your users get better at exposing the simulated attacks.

Healthy safety culture; through raising awareness, training and education

Through our services; Desktop, 365 Workplace and Complete, we give your employees access to the necessary skills development to ward off cyber attacks. 

With an increasingly varied and complex threat picture, it is increasingly important to improve competence and awareness around cyber security. Over 86% of data breaches are due to a lack of sufficient competence on the part of the employees. Cybercriminal activity is constantly increasing as a consequence of this.

The safety modules are designed to engage the employees to raise their safety awareness. With the use of practical examples from reality and nanostructure provides pistachio to raise awareness among the employees and the company. The modules will, together with simulated attacks in the inbox, teach your employees in a safe way how it actually feels to be attacked.

The training therefore comes straight to the inbox, rather than users having to actively seek out a training portal. This provides learning and training, fully integrated into their everyday work tasks.



With Pistachio you get, among other things:

  • Optimized for mobile and PC
  • Updated content in line with constantly changing threat images
  • Simulated attacks right in the inbox
  • Continuous training based on knowledge level
  • Real experiences of what a phishing attempt can be like
  • Available in several languages

cloud symbol  See service descriptions and agreements.

When numbers and statistics show that human error is the number one cause of successful attacks, we obviously have to work on the human factor. It's great that Braathe, together with Pistachio, can help create tryggere users and increase awareness of their own role as part of the company's defence.

Bård Eirik Lyche
CISO, Braathe

Enable Pistachio for your business?

For you too Desktop, 365 Workplace or a Complete service package from Braathe.

With Pistachio, all your users get access to a modern security training service. You have access throughout your contract period, and new and relevant content is continuously added in line with developments in digital security.

The aim of the service is to provide users training, raising awareness and creating security among your users in the face of digital threats, and at the same time reduce the risk of security breaches in your business.

Note that access to Pistachio requires that your package has an Entra ID. If you are in doubt as to whether your services enable access to Pistachio, please contact your customer advisor.

Frequently asked questions from users

  • What do the training emails look like?

    Phishing-epostene vil naturligvis variere stort i hvordan de ser ut, da de jo faktisk forsøker å «lure deg». E-postene med opplæring vil typisk se ut som dette eksempelet (her med tematikk; Passord):

    pistachio email example

  • Should I do anything after reading the training material email?

    Yes, you should actually click the button at the bottom of the email to confirm that you have read the content. This means that the AI ​​engine behind Pistachio adapts your further training run and will probably send you attack attempts based on the very knowledge you have acquired through the e-mail.

    The button looks something like this:

    pistachio button

  • What happens if I click on a link in one of Pistachio's phishing tests?

    For det første, så fanger AI-motoren opp at du klikket deg inn på en lenke som kunne vært utrygg, and tilpasser din videre opplæring and trening deretter. Du sendes til en jukseside som så forsøker å «lure deg» til å oppgi din påloggingsinformasjon, den kan for eksempel se slik ut:

    pistachio login

    The site often looks surprisingly legitimate, and it can be very difficult to detect whether it is a real login page or not. Vigilance is more important than ever. If you are in doubt, think about how you got to the page that asks you to land in?

  • What happens if I enter my login information after clicking on a phishing link from Pistachio?

    You will then receive a message in the browser, which looks something like this:
    Display of pistachio - ooops

    By clicking on the purple button, you can get more information about what signs could reveal that this was a phishing attempt.

  • When is the training and education from Pistachio finished? Will I finish?

    It won't finish. Pistachio is built in a different way than CYBR was, and Pistachio is significantly more automated. It is a training course that continuously works to raise the level of vigilance and awareness in you as a user of digital tools in your everyday work. CYBR has been phased out, and Pistachio is now part of your new working routine.

    Cybersikkerhet er noe vi til enhver tid and i uoverskuelig fremtid må forholde oss til. Å styrke egen bevissthet and årvåkenhet vil forbli viktig også i fremtiden. Derfor tilpasser Pistachio seg til et trusselbilde i stadig endring, and det er ingen låst tidslinje med en «start» and en «slutt», men det vil stadig pirkes i and du vil trenes opp slik at du er best mulig forberedt på ulike angrepsmetoder som anvendes av dem med uærlige hensikter. Slik blir du et sterkere ledd i sikkerheten rundt din virksomhets data.

For administrator of Pistachio

Minimize it the human the cyber risk

One small step for an employee, one giant leap for the company.

The service has been designed in collaboration with the leading security experts. The content has been developed to engage your employees through a fun, informative and user-friendly service. Simulated attacks will make you experts in how to recognize signs of phishing.

Modern security challenges require flexible learning. Our service is available on all mobile devices, so they can be completed anytime and anywhere. Such an approach increases both the commitment and the implementation ability of the employees.

Developed in Norway

With global threats as a starting point.
Pistachio's vision is to strengthen businesses against attempted cyber attacks. We will not only raise the level of knowledge and awareness of safety, but develop a safety culture within the various companies.

We have revolutionized safety training using an intuitive and engaging service. Raise the level of knowledge and build a safety culture in the company.

Pistacthio - effect of learning

Give your employees the necessary skills to ward off cyber attacks

Boats Braathe and we are concerned with innovative solutions that simplify the everyday life of employees around Norway. We are a good match there. And we have the same thoughts about the opportunities that are out there.

Mohammed Awais Aziz
Chief Sales Officer, Pistachio