We invite you to professional days

Our BLOG is one of the places where we want to give you an insight into the IT industry. Give good advice and of course prepare yourself for large and small digitization processes. Now we want to go even more in depth on some selected topics. Yes, even more than we do on our BLOG. We are therefore inviting you to professional days in as many as four different cities over the next few months. One of them will also be sent digitally so that you get it with you no matter what your week looks like, or where you actually are. 

On the professional days, we bring experts both internally and externally to talk about two topics. The focus during the professional days will be on safety and sustainability. The topics are among those that are talked about the most in businesses these days. Many are faced with major and strategic choices that must be made going forward. Therefore, we want to help you know as much as possible from an IT perspective before you get started. Especially on the topic of security.

Read more about the professional days we will hold in Oslo, Skien, Bodø, Tromsø and digitally.

What can you expect? 

Together, we will take a deep dive into something that many people think about, namely security holes, threats and cyber attacks. We know that many people have cyber attacks at the top of their list of worries right now. Therefore, we believe that these professional days will be of great value to you. 

  • What measures should you take before a cyber attack comes?
  • How can you prepare your employees?
  • How can digital security be integrated into everyday working life?
  • Why work with safety every day?
  • What could the cost be if you do nothing?

Safety awareness and sustainability

Your people can be what stands between a secure company and an uncertain one. Figures show that over 86% of carried out cyber attacks occur as a result of human error. Our mission is therefore simple: to make your people tryggere in digital everyday life. Let them be your first line of defense by educating and training them in what an attack might look like. This is one of the things we will emphasize in the lectures on security. We will come up with concrete tips for what you can do, what your people can do and where you should start.

We will also address sustainability. The green shift. Not many people know that decisions you make in IT can also have a positive effect on climate budgets. Everyone knows that the world is in crisis, and more than ever the survival of the earth depends on you and me. As a business and supplier, we are very concerned about which planet our children will inherit after us. We are therefore working hard on both the sustainability goals and the climate goals. We want to show you that you can too!

For you who have to make decisions going forward

Our professional days are for those of you who have problems that you should have more heads to solve. They will be a meeting place where you can ask, spar and dig. Our experts are ready to answer. During the academic day, we hope that you will gain clarity on where you should put both your time and effort in the coming years. 

We believe that you, together with us, can make the best decisions on digital security going forward. The academic day is of course free and we treat you to food along the way. Do you want to sign up?

Read more and register for the professional day here