Our five predictions for 2022


1. Prediction: Digital security and security measures will become very relevant in the future.

We got it right. Not only do we see a significant shift in our customers. We also see that people on the streets are learning a little more about digital security. It will only become even more important in the future.

2023 will be a year where everyone must know something about the topic. Perhaps also as private individuals, but at least as employed resources in the business. We hope employers take safety a step further. From being a pdf that people have to sign to active learning arenas where people can be tested in real hazards.

Together with our security partner, CYBR, we offer such a learning arena, and the feedback is very good. Everyone, from the people on the floor to the management, is challenged at an adapted level and trained according to the risk group they typically belong to. We believe this type of training and education is the future. We are therefore extra proud to have introduced this in 2022. Read more about the learning arena here. 


2. Prediction: More people will worry about hacking and digital attacks. Both in private, at work and nationally.

We got it right. The National Security Agency says that not knowing how to handle a digital attack can be the nail in the coffin for many businesses. For private individuals, the savings can run out. So if you are afraid of losing access to critical and personal data – prepare for the worst! The only right thing to do is to be proactive in securing your data and your digital presence both in your private life and in your work context.

Not sure where to start? We have collected tips that you can use right now. Click here.


3. Prediction: The multicloud concept will persist and be adopted even more.

We got it right. Or, wait a minute... What is multicloud again? Now we're throwing around IT words like that, and it can be a bit risky. Let us explain.

Multicloud is not many clouds in the sky, even if grandma thinks. Cloud, or the cloud in an IT context, is about where your data lives and is stored. The data is stored on servers located in various locations. The point of multicloud is that, no matter what happens, you should have access to your data. So, if a server breaks in Trondheim or another is hacked in Oslo, you should still be able to work with the data you need. Does that make sense?

Among other things, we offer storage on our own servers in our server parks in Norway. You can share servers, but never data, with other customers of ours. Or you can have your dedicated server set up. Then you store the data in a private cloud. If you want public cloud you can store in Microsoft Azure. The data can then be located at various data centers in Norway or abroad. If you combine private and public - then you get a multicloud setup. There will probably only be more and more of this. The new, hybrid working life that we were forced into through covid-19, and today's digital threat picture, contribute to an increased need for this type of service. If you want to get to know the cloud better, you are welcome to visit our service page.


4. Prediction: The 5G network will be used in earnest in Norway and open more doors across municipal and county boundaries.

Yes or no, we didn't get it quite right. The 5G network is a long time coming. 5G has not yet moved either the fjord or the mountains. Several places in Norway have not had the chance to use lightning-fast mobile networks. It is both disappointing and boring for businesses for which this would have been beneficial. We are betting that the 5G network will take us by storm in 2023.

What we do know is that both companies and private individuals expect more than ever from wireless networks and from their mobile network. Speed ​​is especially important. Security is often secondary. We offer both in our Network as a Service service, did you know? 5G, speed and security in the same box. Take a look here. 


5. Prediction: The hybrid office is a fact.

We got it right. Are you reading this article from somewhere other than the office? If not, maybe you could read it again the next time you work from the cabin, the train, the plane or from home? We are more open than ever to working from places other than the office. This means that even more people can adapt their everyday life to a greater extent. We think many people see this as a good solution, and others may be a little annoyed. We actually put together the top 5 annoyances in the home office this year. Do you agree with them? Look here.


This was the last article in 2022. Thank you for reading our BLOG. We look forward to even more IT news in 2023, but before that we want to wish you a happy new year! 🥳 See you in the new year!