Quality in, quality out

When Copilot is to help make your everyday life more efficient, the underlying data must be good. Cleaning up your data is called data shaping in our IT language. Data shaping is when you get down to the bottom and clean up routines, access and ensure that everything is clear and under control when you leave. In many ways, it can be compared to the cleaning that must be done before you sell the apartment you live in. We can all agree that cleaning up after yourself is a tiring and boring affair, but it is very essential before new people move in. This is also the case for Copilot.

If you want to turn on the Copilot button before you have control over your data, you may be in for some nasty surprises. Let's see what the worst that can happen is:

  • If you do not clean up which users have access to which areas and files, then Copilot can accidentally find personal data of a user who absolutely does not have the rights to work with it.
  • If you don't have routines for which files are located where, then unexpected pdfs and documents can find their way to the poor young person who only has an internship position.
  • If you don't have all your files in the cloud, then there is very little Copilot can find in it. So then the quality of what comes out will be low.

Doing this cleanup job is important regardless of Copilot, but enabling Copilot can be a nice carrot on the other end.

Where should you start?

The most important thing you should find out is whether Copilot is for you and your organisation. AI tools like this are necessarily not for everyone. It depends on both the data you handle and whether your colleagues will find it fun to integrate it into their working day. Copilot also does not need to be activated for everyone. If there are only a few of you in the company, in the department or with roles that should naturally have Copilot as part of the toolbar, then it can be easily fixed. Cleaning up should be done anyway for safety's sake.

Cleaning often becomes easier with a little help. We naturally recommend starting with expert help from someone who has worked with AI since it appeared and became part of our everyday lives. That way, you can do the cleaning as correctly and efficiently as possible from the start. It usually pays off too.

Our AI expert and consultant, Espen Alexander Bjørkmo, is a great man to have on the team when these processes are to be started. You will then receive clear instructions on which measures you should take before using Copilot. In his workshop “Data shaping workshop” he takes you through A to Z before you activate Copilot. Afterwards, you will also receive a report with recommended measures from Espen.

Wondering if Copilot is for you?

We have collected everything we know about Copilot here for you, so you can feel whether Copilot will be a good contribution to the work you do.